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06/21/24 Los trabajadores del almacén de Amazon se están derritiendo bajo la cúpula de calor Amazon, NJ Heat Standard, Workers, Warehouse
06/21/24 En 2016 Trump planteó ‘green cards’ para inmigrantes graduados y en su Gobierno no lo hizo. Ahora en campaña lo ofrece de nuevo Telemundo Immigration, Trump, Elections, DACA
06/21/24 ‘It’s Hell for Us’: Amazon Warehouse Workers Are Melting Under the Heat Dome The Daily Beast Heat Standard, Workers, Warehouse workers, Extreme Heat, Amazon
06/21/24 As NJ swelters, pols push bill to protect workers from the heat Heat Standard, Workers, Warehouse workers, Extreme Heat
06/20/24 Biden program for young undocumented immigrants draws some skepticism NJ Spotlight News DACA, Biden Executive Order, Immigration
06/19/24 Make The Road ofrecerá clases gratuitas de ciudadanía en Nueva Jersey Univision Citizenship Classes, Citizenship
06/19/24 Piden protección para los trabajadores ante el calor Workers, Heat Standard, Warehouse Workers
06/18/24 Undocumented spouses will be allowed to apply for citizenship. Here’s what they think Immigration, President Biden, Executive Order, Parole in Place, DACA
06/18/24 New Report Finds Roughly One in Three New Jersey Residents Lives Near a Mega-warehouse Environmental Defense Fund Pollution reduction, Report
06/18/24 Murphy administration urges Biden to offer protections to undocumented spouses of U.S. citizens New Jersey Monitor Undocumented spouses

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