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Date Article Publication Issue(s)
02/10/22 Hoy Vence El Plazo Para Solicitar el Fondo de Trabajadores Excluidos de NJ Telemundo 47 Nueva York COVID-19, Excluded Workers, Undocumented Workers

January 2022

01/31/22 Push to Help People Apply for Excluded New Jerseyans Fund NJ Spotlight News COVID-19, Excluded Workers
01/20/22 Activists incensed after N.J. fund for immigrant workers cut by 85% New Jersey Monitor Immigrant workers


December 2021

12/15/21 New Bill Would Crack Down on NJ’s ‘Wild West’ Temp Industry – Gothamist Gothamist NJ temp workers, Temp Agencies, Covid 19, Drivers Licenses, Immigrant people
12/08/21 Make The Road NJ assists residents with Excluded Workers Fund | Video | NJ Spotlight News NJ Spotlight News Excluded workers fund, Undocumented workers
12/07/21 N.J. students, activists demand action on legislation to confront ‘overpolicing’ in schools Whyy NJ Students, Mental Health, Over Policing

November 2021

11/12/21 More than 3,000 people apply for N.J.’s excluded workers fund NJ Monitor Excluded workers fund, Covid 19, Immigration republicans

October 2021

10/27/21 NJ Finally Opens Applications For $40 Million Excluded Worker Fund – Gothamist Gothamist Excluded Workers, Covid 19- relief, Fund for undocumented immigrants
10/25/21 Immigration Advocates Keep Pressure On Biden As He Visits NJ | Bloomfield, NJ Patch Patch Citizenship for All, President Biden
10/21/22 Amazon lease at Newark Airport rapped for being fast tracked, bad for minority workers – Port Authority & Amazon, Minority/undocumeted communities

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