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Date Article Publication Issue(s)
3/15/23 “Es un ataque a mi familia” Inmigrantes y aliados condenan el presupuesto de Biden como un retroceso a Trump Hispano New Jersey President Biden, Budget, Immigrant Protections
3/15/23 Make the Road NJ abre centro en Perth Amboy Hispano New Jersey MtR Perth Amboy office opening
3/15/23 Letter: Re: Permanently end family detention Government Accountability project Letter to President Biden, Policy of family detention
3/14/23 Bloomfield Info opens registration for Documenting Public Meetings 101 community reporter training Bloomfield Info Project Citizenship
3/1/23 Piden detener reducción de impuestos de millonarios Hispano New Jersey Tax megacorporations
3/1/23 NJ Budget: Who likes Murphy’s spending plan? Who’s less keen? NJ Spotlight News Governor Murphy, NJ Budget

February 2023

2/27/23 RELEASE: Workers and Advocates Urge Lawmakers to Stop the Corporate Millionaires Tax Cut InsiderNJ Budget, Press Release
2/27/23 Workers and Advocates Urge Lawmakers to Stop the Corporate Millionaires Tax Cut New Jersey Policy Perspective Budget, Press Release
2/26/23 The pandemic made it much harder for the one-third of New Jerseyans who rent – Opinion Opinion, housing
2/21/23 Tax Cuts For Rich Corporations In NJ? More Protests As Budget Nears Patch Budget

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