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October 2023

Date Article Publication Issue(s)
8/30/23 Only 1 NJ Jail Still Profits From ICE Contracts – It May Stay That Way Immigration
8/25/23 Congresistas piden a Biden retirar apoyo al operador del centro de detención de Elizabeth New Jersey Hispano Immigration
8/23/23 Plainfield, NJ Official Removed from City Board After Video of Anti-Immigrant Rant Prompts Outrage DemocracyNow Immigration, Housing
8/10/23 Temp workers law takes full effect in NJ NJBIZ Labor, Immigration, Temp Workers, Temp Workers Bill of Rights
8/9/23 Doblegan los esfuerzos para ayudar a los estudiantes de color a postularse a la universidad ReporteHispano Educacion, Estudiantes, Centro de Exito Estudiantil
8/7/23 OnLabor: News & Commentary OnLabor Labor, Immigration, Temp Workers, Temp Workers Bill of Rights
8/6/23 Sheila Oliver Was Early Champion Of NJ ‘Temp Worker Bill Of Rights’ Labor, Immigration, Temp Workers, Temp Workers Bill of Rights
8/4/23 Nuevas protecciones para los trabajadores temporales de Nueva Jersey entrarán en vigencia New Jersey Monitor Labor, Temp Workers, Immigration, Temp Workers Bill of Rights
8/4/23 NJ business groups, staffing agencies file appeal to block warehouse worker protections Labor, Temp Workers. Temp Workers Bill of Rights
8/4/23 New Protections For New Jersey’s Temporary Workers To Go Into Effect Garden State Gazzette Labor, Immigration, Temp Workers

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